Daily Wallet was built in partnership with Open Money Initiative for to showcase the utility of cryptocurrency for the people of Venezuela, where people are enduring the inability to exchange or transfer money abroad, violent crackdowns on merchants who set their own prices, and hyperinflation.

Native App

Users create links that can send and receive xDai cryptocurrency. Links can be shared through any messaging platform, and redeemed by the end-user to receive some xDai.

The app was built to support very old Android phones, as they're the most popular devices on the ground in Venezuela.

DailyWallet  Home

DailyWallet  Send

DailyWallet  Send2

DailyWallet  Receive


  • Product Management
  • Native App Development
  • Web Development
  • DevOps
  • Quality Assurance
  • User Testing


  • Product Design
  • UX Research
  • UI Design
  • Visual Design


  • DApp Development
  • Meta Transaction Relay